You Can Change Lives


STEER enables you to offer the following services:

  • Identifying possible learning problems.
  • Remedial orientated support for children who struggle in school.
  • Teaching study methods.
  • Giving ongoing support to children to prepare them for tests and exams.
  • Working with primary and secondary school children.

What Does a Steer Facilitator Do?

Become a STEER facilitator and help children that battle in school

There is no formal extra help for school children although the need is very big and STEER facilitators and franchisees fill this gap. (You will also be able to work with university students.)

In training you to become a STEER facilitator we focus on:

  • Study methods (also tapping into the right brain to enable left brain integration).

As well as the research of Dr. Mel Levine:

  • Identifying and working on the brain clusters necessary for school achievement
  • Specific learning problems (e.g. dyslexia, irlin etc.) and
  • Behavioral problems (e.g. ADHD, trauma etc.)  

Finally, we teach you the business side 

  • How to structure your business
  • How to market your business and 
  • We provide all you need to run your franchise (logo, lay-out for marketing material, intake-forms etc.)

You can be trained as a STEER facilitator and franchisee and work long- or short term with individual children or in groups. 

This will be afternoons at a school or starting a study centrum for the schools in your area and work with children over a term or over a year, whilst earning an income working for yourself. 

Alternatively, you can present holiday programs for children that battle in school.


Our STEER training is now ONLINE and consist of six modules plus an optional seventh module.​

Speak to one of our consultants and find out more about this life changing course. 


Claire Badenhorst

This course has made such a huge difference in my life as I get to help children change their lives and their stories.  So often children with learning disabbilities feel ashamed and are rejected and teased by their fellow students.  This programme has given me the skills to empower these children to reach their full potential and to not let their disability define them but instead push them to be even better.  The joy that I get from the positive feedback of my children when they finally reach their potential gives purpose to my life! The course itself is so detailed and the training in-depth that I really felt confident in my abilities to help children struggling in school and the results that we see are astonishing.  Doing this course has been the best decision of my life.

Claire Badenhorst

Lorette Dye 

BA(Psyc); THLdip; BA (CW); MA(Psych)

Creator of the STEER Study Method Course

Lorette Dye is a Counsellor with training in Psychology and STEER, a lecturer, a published author and a missionary. She has a BA (Psych), Diploma (THL), BA (CW), MA (Psych).

She is a sought-after speaker and was invited to speak at the 46th AATA annual conference in Minneapolis, USA on intercultural working in Art Therapy. Her book titled 'Art therapy / Using Art techniques across cultural and race boundaries' was published in 2017 by a leading British publisher (Jessica Kingsley Publisher). She is also the author of "The Strepco-approach to therapy" (with a chapter on Art therapy).

STEER Study Method an affiliate company of HELIOS was founded in 2003 after extensive research in learning disabilities in children and why outcomes for these children vary so much.Her missionary work has taken her across ten different African countries, where she delivers training in Counselling including in Art therapy. Lorette has lived in China as well as in Indonesia, and currently resides in South Africa.

Copyright 2023 - Art Healing Academy



Kate Davies

As the mother of a child with ADHD it has been a real struggle to help him with school.  Trying to do homework after a long day at school almost always resulted in our home becoming a war zone and I truly felt like a terrible parent for not being able to help him more.  A friend recommend we look into the STEER Study Method, I had no idea what it was or how it worked but found a Steer Facilitator in our area and contacted him.  He spent so much time explaining everything to me about this programme and how well it works for children with ADHD.  My son started working with him about 6 months ago and the transformation has been amazing.  He helps him with homework and they try different study methods with tests to see what works best.  It has made all the difference not just in his school work but also made me feel like I was finally getting my son the help he needed.  I would recommend this to any mother with a child who has ADHD.

Kate Davies

Lorette Dye

BA(Psyc); THLdip; BA (CW); MA (Psych)

I have been a teacher for 8 years and the number of students struggling with undiagnosed learning disabilities has been overwhelming.  Even though I really wanted to help these children, with 30+ students in each class and a demanding syllabus to get through there was never enough time to really make a difference.  I decided to do the STEER course so that I can start an after school programme for these kids to help them become the best version of themselves.  The course was so much more in-depth than I ever expected, the training was life changing even for someone like me with a background in education.  I learned so much in each module and couldn't believe the results I was getting with the students using the techniques learned in the course. I am finally making a difference in these kids lives and they now have the resources to navigate their learning disability properly. 

Jo-Anne Meyer

Jo-Anne Meyer

*Tel: +27 82 299 6926   


Our STEER training is now ONLINE and consist of 12 modules plus an optional module.

The Modules are as follows:

  • Module 1  Basic information needed to work with children
  • Module 2  Intro to specific learning challenges
  • Module 3  Basic assessment tools
  • Module 4  Basic intervention
  • Module 5 Study techniques 1
  • Module 6 Study techniques 2
  • Module 7 Assessment 2
  • Module 8 Intervention 2
  • Module 9 Workshop over 2 days (to ensure that material was integrated correctly)
  • Module 10 Business principles
  • Module 11 Working as a steer facilitator/running a franchise/agency
  • Module 12 Workshop over 2 days (Focus on business development)

Training Includes:

  • Learn to identify and rectify learning problems
  • Work with ADHD children
  • Teach study techniques
  • Work remedial
  • Improve children’s reading ability
  • Improve exam skills
  • Improve memory
  • You will also help children with their homework and to prepare for tests and exams

Cost of Course :

For ongoing study and remedial support:

R600 - R800 per student per month (groups of 10) for one and a half hours once a week.

Working at one school with 10 children = R6000 - R8000 per month

Working at one/or more than one school with 30 students = R18000 – R24000 per month.


For holiday programs:

R600 per student for 4 half days (it works well to start children in a holiday program, teaching basic study skills and assess the children and then start working with them in smaller groups once a week ongoing)

For 10 students in the group: R  6000

For 20 students in the group: R12000

For 30 students in the group: R18000


Potential yearly income:

This is a conservative estimation

If you work with 30 children over a year on a monthly basis and you have one holiday program with 30 children, your income for the year would be R216 000.

Imagine if you double or triple that!

Potential Income as Franhisee:

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does the work entail?

Most of your time will be spent in the classroom/study center with individuals or groups, working with pupils with the STEER basic intervention program and addressing aspects that can enhance performance at school or helping children to prepare for exams. You will also assess for specific learning problems and on the intervention needed for these children

2. When was STEER Founded?

STEER is a subsidiary of Helios. Helios was founded in 2003 by Lorette Dye. It mainly focuses on the training of psychology students by offering a practical course. Being involved with psychology and working in counselling with children, Lorette became aware of the need to understand and help children who struggle to learn at school, and STEER was born.

3. What are the techniques STEER is based on?

The techniques we teach the children are based on the research of Dr Mel Levine. His basic theory is that the brain functions children need to be successful in school can be divided into eight clusters and not all children are strong in all these areas. With our programme we work on six of these clusters and teach children a method to develop them. We also enable children to translate a left brain function (which schoolwork mainly requires) to a right brain function.

For STEER facilitators

  • 12 modules R1900 per module (1 module per month)

** Alternatively: R950 per month and receive a module every 2nd month


PLEASE NOTE: You can only start to work as a Steer facilitator/franchisee once all the modules are completed and you received your certification.

  • Extra short course (optional) on how to work with children younger than 10  (R4200)


For STEER franchise

  • As above plus R4200 for Franchise (Total for franchise is thus R27 000; if paid as one amount upfront you will receive 10% discount)


Franchise also include:

  • All branding needed to run franchise/agency/study center personalized for you
  • Ongoing business support
  • All extra material in Afrikaans and English to support your study center/business


For parents that want to help their children (Included a focus on specialised needs)

  • 6 modules R1200 per module
  • Module 1 Introduction
  • Module 2 Overview of special needs
  • Module 3  My role as parent (what can I do)
  • Module 4  Assessing my child (Basic assessment and understanding of challenges)
  • Module 5 Specialized challenges
  • Module 6 Basic study techniques personalized
  • (Every module is accompanied by a video)